We are offering an amazing opportunity for your sponsorship contribution to help not one but TWO organizations - the Search and Rescue and the local charity of your choice.
Mark Peterson, wild life behaviorist, tracker and horseman, is "Breaking the Language Barrier" in the animal world, far exceeding widely-held beliefs on animal intelligence and capacity for language and communication. During his Adventure Trail Clinic there are actually two great clinics that benefit all equestrians - "Breaking the Language Barrier" and "The Complete Trail Riding Clinic".
With Mark's experience tracking wildlife on countless horseback expeditions in the back country, the search and rescue team will learn potentially lifesaving maneuvers from horseback allowing them to go into more treacherous terrain safely getting to their victims faster. Mark and Dusty will not only demonstrate search and rescue riders a softer, gentler style of communication, but a number of maneuvers to help calm their horses on the trail.
The second benefactors are the families of the Ronald McDonald Houses. Mark and Dusty absolutely love to visit the kids. The kids love receiving hugs, kisses, autographs and stuffed toys all from Dusty himself!
The press and media are always there to publicize this incredible gentle giant that does what NO other horse can do. Wouldn’t you or company like to be an integral part of this team?
Imagine you or your company name mentioned and thanked in interviews on TV, Face Book posts, and other write ups such as websites, newspapers, and magazines. With almost 4000 fans on Dusty’s Fan Page alone, the exposure and possibilities for you and your company are unlimited.
If you would like to contribute a sponsorship to bring more trail confidence to your local team of volunteers and an enormous amount of joy to the children staying at your local Ronald McDonald House please contact emily@markanddusty.com
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